Saturday, December 31, 2016

A toast to our new chapters, or at least a new page!

Happy New Year's Eve!  I haven't posted about writing in a while but have been trying to actually write more.  Now is the time to pour a glass of wine and send some of send those new creations out into the world.

As my kids have started to look towards their futures, I have been reminding one artistically-inclined teen to test the waters by sending his work out or entering contests.  It's been easy for me to SAY, while my novels and novels-in-progress sit safely in their Scrivener folders because they just "aren't ready."

So as 2016 winds down, I'm submitting the first page of the latest novel to this contest!

Any other historical writers out there, you still have time to do the same!  It's open until the end of December 31st Pacific Time!  Proofread once more, if you must, take a deep breath and hit "send!" Then pour a glass for yourself and trust that I'm toasting you, from here!
Happy New Year!

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