Wednesday, September 09, 2009

What you see vs. what you get

The issue of whether or not to allow our kids to view President Obama's speech at school was a non-issue. In addition to the Labor Day holiday, my kids had Tuesday off as well. So we watched, together.

What I saw:

The President appear (albiet a few minutes after noon) and give an inspiring, encouraging welcome-back-to-school speech. He spoke of personal responsibility and reminded them that there are no excuses when it comes to your education. He wisely took only fifteen minutes.

What I got:

"He's late! The PRESIDENT is TARDY!"
"What?! Some kids didn't have to go to school until TODAY?!?!?"
"Is it over yet?"
"No, I wouldn't want to get up at 4:30 in the morning."
"Is it over?"
"Yes, I would be paying closer attention if I got to watch this at school--then I would be getting out of class. " "Is it over yet?"

I tried.

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