Saturday, February 24, 2007

Little devils

C was worried the other night at bedtime. Apparently, he had learned at school that "devils can suck your spirit out of you" and wanted me to be aware of this. He was worried because he believes devils to be invisible--so how can you watch out for them?

Tonight, my daughter asked us again what we'd all given up for Lent. My husband and I have both given up wine. I made a comment about finishing it on Tuesday so there would not be any in the house--which she thinks is cheating. After dining out tonight, she asked if we could stop by the "wine store" (liquor store)!

I could tell my son a devil might look a little like his sister but the poor kid would never sleep again!

(In my daughter's defense: she has given up gum but she knows there is plenty in the cupboard. Maybe I'll offer to pitch it for her!) ;)

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