Thursday, November 02, 2006

No more excuses!

Though I had some good ones lined up for only writing a paltry 85 words yesterday!

1. I honestly did have a fever.
2. I had to pick my son up early from kindergarten as he claimed to not feel well enough to stay.
3. I went to Mass at the kids' school. (I usually do anyway but on All Saints Day, I thought I should go...even with a low fever).
4. I was really, really tired.
5. Had to pick up a friend so she could watch my daughter's gymnastics class! (It was my daughter's friend...not mine).
6. Had to spend time arguing about bringing the friend to gymnastics only--no playdates.
7. I had to remind my son to eat. And go to the bathroom. And drink. (If this wasn't normal, I'd wonder if they messed with his ears when they were taking out his tonsils).
8. I was looking up the symptoms of the plague to see if I could get more sympathy claiming to have a fictional ailment on my blog rather than running up the fiction word count on the novel.
9. I did not drink enough coffee!!!
10. Did I mention that I was really, very tired?

However, I'm working today! Well, only 65 more written before I made the unwise decision to get online but I cannot procrastinate anymore. I said I would write a novel before I died and as it turns out, there may not be much time left!

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